Aetna Student Health Insurance

Aetna Student Health can always be used without a referral anywhere in the United States if you are within 56 miles of UMBC, and during the remote instruction period, the need for a referral from RIH has been waived. Please remember to use in-network providers to avoid additional charges.

If you have any questions or need assistance please email

Once enrolling in the plan the basic benefits are as follows:

  • The insurance policy term runs from August to August each year.
  • The policy has a deductible of $350 in-network and a $550 deductible out of network.
  • The insurance plan pays at 80% with a co-insurance of 20% in-network and the plan pays at 60% with a co-insurance of 40% out of network.
  • A deductible is the amount of money you must pay out of pocket before any monies are paid by the insurance company. This is a fee paid once a policy year.
  • Co-insurance is the amount you must pay each time to go to an outside provider based on your charges.
  • In-network is when you stay within the listing of providers who participate with Aetna Student Health.
  • Out of network is when you go to a provider that does not participate with Aetna Student Health.
  • There is a listing on Aetna Student Health that will help you navigate through providers to make sure you choose a provider that is in-network.
  • Aetna Student Health also has co-pays for office visits, urgent care, emergency room, pharmacy, massage, and acupuncture.
  • The co-pays for RIH are listed below:
    • Office visit co-pay at RIH: $10
    • Massage co-pay at RIH: $20
    • Acupuncture co-pay at RIH: $20
    • Pharmacy co-pays: $10 for generic drugs and $50 for name-brand drugs.
    • Acupuncture and massage are only covered if the services are performed at RIH.
  • The co-pays for outside providers are listed below:
    • Office visit co-pay at an urgent care provider is: $25
    • Emergency room co-pay: $100.00
    • Pharmacy co-pays for an outside pharmacy: generic drugs $15 and preferred name-brand $50
    • Non-preferred name brand: $60 and specialty drugs $60

Co-pays are the fixed amount of monies you must pay when receiving services from a provider.

There are no co-pays for any type of physical. Each person enrolled in Aetna student health receives one covered physical each year and women are also allowed one well-woman physical each year.

Aetna Student Health also includes a discount vision plan under the medical benefits. The coverage gives discounts on services offered by a vision care provider.

There are no dental benefits under the medical policy for Aetna Student Health. If a student wishes to have dental coverage there is a dental discount plan that a student can enroll in on the Aetna Student Health website for a small fee.

  1. Go to the Aetna Student Health website.
  2. Go to “Select your college or university”
  3. Scroll down and choose the appropriate School:
    • Graduate Assistants should choose the second UMBC option stating “University of Maryland Baltimore County Graduate Assistant.”
    • All other students should choose the first UMBC option stating “University of Maryland Baltimore County.”
    • Screenshot of a drop down menu. Green arrow pointing at a top option of "University of Maryland Baltimore County" for all students except Grad Assistants. A second green arrow points to the second option that states "University of Maryland Graduate Assistants."
  4. Click [View your school]
  5. Click [Get your ID card]
  6. Enter your student ID*
    • *Your student ID is NOT your UMBC ID. Enter your Student Account number from Student Business Services. This is a 10 digit number and it will start with “4000” for example: 4000123456
  7. Add your birthday.
  8. Hit [Submit]
  9. Your card will be visible and you can print it from this screen.
  10. Note the Digital Medical ID option as well.

If a replacement card is needed due to loss, the student can call Aetna Student Health directly at 1-877-437-6535 and speak to a customer service representative to get a new card sent to their mailing address. You can also print your insurance card from the Aetna Student Health website. If a student enrolls in the Aetna Student Health plan offered by UMBC, RIH becomes the student’s primary care provider. Students must first see an RIH provider for a referral to be able to see an outside provider for care. If a student does not have a referral for outside care, the deductible for Aetna Student Health increases to $550.

Aetna Student Health – UMBC Undergraduate

Aetna Student Health – UMBC Graduate Assistants