Online Resources

Line drawing image of students talking and name of the initiative, Reach Out RetrieversReach Out Retrievers is Retriever Integrated Health’s (RIH) new initiative to help our community to encourage and facilitate prompt action and a network of care and support. It is intended to encourage connection–when we need someone to listen and when we need to support others. To equip our campus with supportive educational resources, Reach Out Retrievers directs UMBC’s community members to multiple online resources listed below.

Join RIH’s initiative to work together in supporting a campus culture dedicated to well-being where every student thrives. Let’s break the stigma of mental health. Get help and help spread the word.

Peer to Peer Support


Join Togetherall  Togetherall Login

Get support. Take control. Feel better.

Sometimes it is helpful to hear from other people who are experiencing similar difficulties and receive community support when facing obstacles. Available to all UMBC undergraduate and graduate students, Togetherall is a free online peer-to-peer community for students, and offers a safe and anonymous place to support your mental health 24/7.

Togetherall is monitored by licensed clinicians and is a safe place online to get things off your chest, have conversations, express yourself creatively and learn how to manage your mental health. Within the Togetherall platform, members are anonymous, so no one will know you’re using it unless you tell them. Most members report feeling better and more able to cope as a result.

Speech Bubbles Icon


Share anonymously and get support from others like you 24/7.


Glasses Icon


Find courses specific to your concerns and learn how to manage your mental health and feel better.

Book Icon


Access a variety of free articles, tests, and techniques to take control of your wellbeing.

Learn more by watching the video below.

Share Togetherall

Marketing Materials

We encourage you to share information about Togetherall through print, digital, and social media platforms.

Interactive Self-Help Therapy

WellTrack Boost

WellTrack Boost is designed to help students understand their mental health and to provide them with help. WellTrack offers a suite of online tools and courses such as Depression, Anxiety and Stress, and Find Your Inner Calm Through Mindfulness.

Online Screenings

Are you or someone you care about experiencing symptoms that are distressing or interfering with everyday functioning? The links below provide anonymous and free screening tools available to all UMBC students. These screenings are provided so that you may find out, in just a few minutes, whether or not professional consultation would be helpful to you.

*Please note that all screening resources are for informational and educational purposes only, and are not intended as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

The following links include general screenings for a variety of mental health concerns including, but not limited to, anxiety, depression, substance use concerns, and eating disorders.


An anonymous online self-check questionnaire that enables a provider to contact you and provide feedback based on your responses.

Veterans and Service Members Screenings